Sensorer & sirener
Controllers & kontrolenheder
Sendere & modtagere til smarte hjem
Lyskontakter & Dæmpere
Smarte og fjernstyrede kontakter
Sonoff Zigbee Magnetsensor
68 kr.
Sonoff SNZB-02P Zigbee 3.0 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
98 kr.
Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus
183 kr.
Sonoff ZigBee Smart Switch SNZB-01P (Round)
99 kr.
Sonoff ZigBee Smart Switch Kabel & Wireless
89 kr.
Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 Temperatur och Luftfuktighetsensor med LCD
119 kr.
Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 Närvarosensor
123 kr.
Sonoff ZBMINIL2 Zigbee Smart Switch 2-pack
179 kr.
Sonoff Zigbee Bridge
Trådløst netværk (Wi-Fi)
Sonoff Zigbee Smart Plug
109 kr.
Sonoff ZBMINIL2 Zigbee Smart Switch
149 kr.
Sonoff AIBridge Smart Home Hub iHost
574 kr.
Sonoff SNZB-03
Sonoff Zigbee SNZB-03P bevægelsessensor
at Mackabler.dk
Sonoff Zigbee dør og vinduesensor (SNZB-04P)
Sonoff Zigbee Bridge Ultra (Matter)
Sonoff Zigbee water leak vand-sensor
Sonoff Zigbee Smart temperatur og fugtighedssensor
Sonoff ZigBee temperatur og luftfugtighed sensor med LCD
Sonoff Zigbee CC2531 USB Dongle
at Gixmo.dk
Sonoff 3 x Zigbee LCD temperature og fugtighedssensor (SNZB-02D)
Sonoff Zigbee Wireless Door/Window Sensor SNZB-04
at Proshop
Sonoff ZigBee USB Dongle CC2531
Sonoff Intelligent TRVZB Zigbee 3.0 Thermostatic Head
Sonoff ZigBee motion sensor SNZB-03P + battery
Sonoff Matter ZigBee Bridge Ultra Gateway ZBBridge-U (RJ45 LAN 1.5 GHz 1 GB RAM 8 GB)
Sonoff ZigBee door and window opening sensor SNZB-04P (+battery)
Meross Smart Thermostat Valve
249 kr.
Sonoff NSPanel Pro Smart Kontrollpanel
649 kr.
Sonoff Smart kontroller iHost RV1126
998 kr.
Sonoff Smart kontrollenhet NSPanel Pro
667 kr.
Sonoff Bridge
Sonoff Basic ZBR3
Sonoff Wireless Switch
65 kr.
Sonoff 2 x TRVZB Zigbee smart radiator termostat
Sonoff 3 x TRVZB Zigbee smart radiator termostat
Sonoff Smart adapter USB ZigBee switch ZBMicro (max 36W)