TV- beslag & skærmbeslag
Deltaco ARM-1400
594 kr.
Alterzone Trio Golvstativ
799 kr.
Alterzone Quad Golvstativ
Alterzone Arc 37-70"
699 kr.
Champion TV Floor Stand CHTF900
768 kr.
Sinox SWB7140
Gulv, Swivel
1.922 kr.
Hama 00220871
1.355 kr.
Hama 00220870
1.629 kr.
Vogels Next OP2
5.990 kr.
Vogels TVS 3695
Væg, Swivel
2.179 kr.
Alterzone Steel Golvstativ
836 kr.
Sinox Tripod TV Floor Stand. 50"-65". Black & Beech
at Proshop
Nedis TV Floor Stand | 37 - 75 " | Maximum supported screen weight: 40 kg 40 kg 75" 200 x 200 mm
Barkan Portable TV Floor Stand 36 kg
SMS New Presence Speed manuell höj- och sänkbar vagn max. VESA 600x400 belastnin
19.768 kr.
NewStar PLASMA-M2500T
13.442 kr.
SMS New Presence Wall/Floor VC fast väggfäste for golv med kamerahållare max 2x7
10.533 kr.
Chief LFAUB (svart) LFD- ståfot, höjdställbar
8.576 kr.
NewStar Neomounts by WL55-875WH1
2.345 kr.
StarTech.com Mobile TV Stand, Heavy Duty TV Cart for 60-100" Display (100kg/220lb), Height Adjustable Rolling Flat Screen Floor Standing on Wheels, Universal Television Mount w/Shelves - W/ 2 equipment shelves vogn med hjul - for fladt panel - sort, sølv
at Føniks Computer
Trak Racer Single Monitor Floor Stand - Holds up to 80" LED LCD TV Monitors and 22-33”
at DELE Nordic
Trak Racer Single Monitor Floor Stand - Holds up to 80" LED LCD TV Monitors and 34-45” when used as a triple holder (extra parts required)
Yealink MB-FloorStand-860 Golvstativ for MeetingBoard 86
37.362 kr.
Yealink MB-FloorStand-650 Stativ for MeetingBoard 65
3.559 kr.
TCL FSD85ART-O Moveable floor stand
2.999 kr.