Sensorer & sirener
Termometre og vejrstationer
Fjernbetjening og smarte knapper
Aqara Temperature and Humidity Sensor T1
115 kr.
Sonoff SNZB-02P Zigbee 3.0 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
91 kr.
Aqara Temperature and Humidity Sensor
169 kr.
Broadlink HTS2 Temperature and Humidity Sensor for RM mini 4
94 kr.
Apc Cct593011 Temperature And Humidity Sensor Hvid
at TrekkInn
IMOU Ztm1 (Temperature And Humidity Sensor)
at Proshop
Gosund Smart temperature and humidity sensor Wi-Fi S6 (LCD screen backlight)
NEO Smart Temperature and Humidity Sensor WiFi NAS-CW01W TUYA
NEO NAS-TH02W Temperature and Humidity Sensor with Zigbee TUYA Display
Avatto Temperature and humidity sensor WHS20 Tuya
Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 Temperatur och Luftfuktighetsensor med LCD
105 kr.
Sonoff Temperatur- och luftfuktighetsgivare RJ9 THS01 R3 Elite/Orgin
65 kr.
Xiaomi Mi Smart Home Temperature / Humidity Sensor 2
58 kr.
Tfa Dostmann WeatherHub Temperature and humidity sensor with water detector 30.3
217 kr.
Secure Indoor Sensor for Temperature and Humidity
Planet Waves Humidity and Temperature Sensor
at Gear4music GB
Philio PAT02 2-in1
409 kr.
Aeotec Temperature & Humidity Sensor Z-Wave ZWA039
319 kr.
Xiaomi Mi Temperature and Humidity Monitor Pro
149 kr.
Sensor Elsys Ers Temperature/humidity/light/motion
650 kr.
Eaton Environmental Monitoring Probe Environmental Monitoring Probe (EMP) Gen 2 for Temperature and Humidity Conditions - Gen 2 - enhed til miljøovervågning
at Føniks Computer
Xiaomi Mi Temperature and Humidity Monitor 2 - temperatur- og fugtighedsssensor - Bluetooth 4.2 LE - hvid
EVE Eve Room - monitor of air quality, temperature and humidity in the room
APC Temperature & Humidity Sensor
APC temperature & humidity sensor
APC NetShelter - PDU rack temperature & humidity sensor
Sonoff RL560 temperature & humidity sensor accessory
Sonoff THR316D temperature/humidity sensor
NEO NAS-AB02WT WiFi Alarm Siren with TUYA Temperature and Humidity Measurement
Emerson Network Power Geist MONITOR RTAFHD3 - temperature airflow humidity & dew point sensor
APC Easy Rack - PDU rack temperature & humidity sensor
Woox R7246 Smart IR Remote
410 kr.
Philio PST02-B PIR/Motion 3-in-1
369 kr.
Woox R7048 Zigbee Smart Humidity&Temperature Sensor
154 kr.