Philips TAT3509
Trådløs, Mikrofon
244 kr.
Philips TAT4556
374 kr.
JVC HA-FX9BT Wireless
Øregang, Trådløs, Mikrofon
229 kr.
Philips SHE3705 In-ear
Øregang, Mikrofon
88 kr.
Philips TAE4105 In-ear
76 kr.
Philips TAT3217 Headphones Wireless
449 kr.
Skullcandy Grom
231 kr.
Savio Forge
228 kr.
Tracer T2 True Wireless Headphones
140 kr.
Beats Solo Buds True Wireless Bluetooth In-Ear Headphones with Mic/Remote
at John Lewis & Partners
Bowers & Wilkins Pi8 Wireless In-Ear Headphones with Mic/Remote
Celly UP1100 USB-C In Ear
108 kr.