Andet spil tilbehør
USB kabler
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Galaxy GamerPack - Performance Thumbsticks (PS4/PS5)
129 kr.
KontrolFreek Gaming Lights USB
187 kr.
KontrolFreek Precision Rings Mixed 6-Pack
99 kr.
KontrolFreek FPS Galaxy Black Thumbsticks (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Galaxy PS5/PS4
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Galaxy - High-Rise Thumbsticks (Xbox One)
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Inferno Nintendo Pro
201 kr.
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Battle Royale Purple (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Inferno (Switch Pro)
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Edge (Switch Pro)
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Galaxy (Switch Pro)
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Battle Royale Purple (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Vortex (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Battle Royale Nightfall (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Battle Royale Nightfall (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek FPS Freek CQC - Mid-Rise Thumbsticks (PS4)
125 kr.
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Vortex - High-Rise Thumbsticks (PS4)
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Inferno - Mid-Rise Thumbsticks (PS4)
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Inferno - Mid-Rise Thumbsticks (Xbox One)
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Edge Low-Rise Thumbsticks (Xbox One)
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Edge Low-Rise Thumbsticks (PS4)
KontrolFreek Fps Freek Galaxy Till Xbox Series X|s|xb1 Lila
139 kr.
KontrolFreek Call of Duty Modern Warfare II (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
159 kr.
KontrolFreek Apex Legends (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
KontrolFreek Saints Row V (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Galaxy Black (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
KontrolFreek Apex Legends (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Galaxy Black (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek Call of Duty Modern Warfare II (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek Saints Row V (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek Grips PRO Red
KontrolFreek Precision Rings BLACK PURPLE
97 kr.
KontrolFreek Destiny 2 Lightfall Strand Edition - (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek Diablo IV Performance Thumbsticks - (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
KontrolFreek Call of Duty Warzone - (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
KontrolFreek Aim Boost Kit Frenzy - (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
169 kr.
KontrolFreek PS5 Laddningskabel (3.6m)
KontrolFreek Performance Grips XT (PS5)
KontrolFreek CQC (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
KontrolFreek No-Slip Thumb Grips 8p (Switch Joy-Con)
109 kr.
KontrolFreek No-Slip Thumb Grips 8p (Switch Pro)
KontrolFreek CQC Rush White (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek CQC Grey Thumbsticks (PS5/PS4)
149 kr.
KontrolFreek Performance Kit Galaxy PS5
199 kr.
KontrolFreek Aim Boost Kit Galaxy PS5
KontrolFreek CQC Rush White (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
KontrolFreek Performance Kit Nightfall Xbox Series/Xbox One
KontrolFreek FPS Frenzy Purple Thumbsticks (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek FPS Frenzy Purple Thumbsticks (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
KontrolFreek Performance Grips Galaxy Purple PS5
KontrolFreek No-Slip Thumb Grips 4p (Switch Pro)
79 kr.
KontrolFreek Call of Duty Warzone (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek Performance Kit Nightfall Switch Pro
KontrolFreek Omni Black (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek No-Slip Thumb Grips 8p (PS5/PS4)
107 kr.
KontrolFreek Performance Kit Inferno Switch Pro
KontrolFreek Clutch Thumbsticks (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
KontrolFreek CQC Grey Thumbsticks (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
KontrolFreek Diablo IV Performance Thumbsticks (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek Omni Orange (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek FPS Inferno Thumbsticks (PS5/PS4)
126 kr.
KontrolFreek Performance Kit Nightfall PS5
200 kr.
KontrolFreek Precision Rings Lila
KontrolFreek Aim Boost Kit Inferno (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
179 kr.
KontrolFreek Performance Kit CoD Warzone PS5
KontrolFreek Universal No-Slip Thumb Grips 8p (PS/Xbox/Switch Pro)
KontrolFreek Lotus Turquoise Thumbsticks (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek Aim Boost Kit Inferno (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek Performance Kit Galaxy Switch Pro
KontrolFreek No-Slip Thumb Grips 4p (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek Lotus Turquoise Thumbsticks (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
132 kr.
KontrolFreek Performance Grips Nightfall Switch Pro
KontrolFreek FPS Galaxy Crystal Thumbsticks (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek FPS Inferno Thumbsticks (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
KontrolFreek Performance Kit Galaxy Xbox Series/Xbox One
KontrolFreek Aim Boost Kit Galaxy Switch Pro
KontrolFreek Aim Boost Kit Galaxy Xbox Series/Xbox One
KontrolFreek Performance Grips Galaxy Purple Switch Pro
KontrolFreek Omni Orange (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
KontrolFreek Omni Red (Xbox Series/Xbox One)
KontrolFreek CQC (PS5/PS4)
KontrolFreek Performance Kit Inferno Xbox Series/Xbox One
195 kr.
KontrolFreek USB A till Micro Laddkabel 3,6 Meter
KontrolFreek Grips (Xbox One)
KontrolFreek Grips (PS4)
103 kr.
KontrolFreek Omni (PS4)
KontrolFreek FPS Freek Inferno - Performance Thumbsticks (PS4/PS5)
KontrolFreek Call of Duty: Vanguard - High-Rise Thumbsticks (Xbox X/One)
KontrolFreek Action Lotus PS5
KontrolFreek FPS Frenzy PS5
KontrolFreek Sports Clutch PS5
KontrolFreek Sports Omni PS5
128 kr.
KontrolFreek FPS Galaxy Black PS5
KontrolFreek FPS Galaxy Black AimBoost PS5
160 kr.
KontrolFreek: Speed Freek ohjainapu (PS3/X360) X360
at Puolenkuun Pelit
KontrolFreek: Rcade Freek ohjainapu (PS3/X360) PS3
KontrolFreek: FPS Freek Ultra ohjainapu (Xone) XONE