Carcassonne: Under the Big Top (exp. 10)
75 kr.
Carcassonne: Inns & Cathedrals (1st Edition) (exp. 1)
100 kr.
Carcassonne: Traders & Builders (1st Edition) (exp. 2)
Carcassonne: Count, King & Robber (2nd Edition) (exp. 6)
180 kr.
Carcassonne: The Princess & Dragon (1st Edition) (exp. 3)
Carcassonne: Abbey & Mayor (1st Edition) (exp. 5)
Carcassonne: Bridges, Castles, & Bazaars (2nd Edition) (exp. 8)
92 kr.
Carcassonne: Hills & Sheep (1st Edition) (exp. 9)
Carcassonne Vogne og Herregårde, 6. udvidelse
at e-ville.com
Carcassonne Dragen og Prinsessen, 3. udvidelse