3.5 sata to usb
Deltaco USB3-SATA6G2 2.5" HDD/SSD USB to SATA adapter
2.5 tommer, 3.0 (3.2 Gen 1)
78 kr.
3.395 kr.
Relaterede søgninger
3.5 jack to usbusb to 3.5 mm adapteride to satausbc to satasata to sata power cablesata til usblightning to 3.5 adapter3.5 jack to rca3.5 mm to rcam 2 to sata3.5 mm to rca audiomidi to usblightning to usbusb to serialusb c to micro usbusb c to usb busb c to lightningusb to hdmi adapterusb to ethernet adapter