Effektenheder & effektpedaler
Boss DS-1 Distortion
629 kr.
Boss DS-2 Turbo Distortion
669 kr.
Fender Hammertone Distortion
589 kr.
Caline Carmilla Distortion guitar-effekt-pedal
at DanGuitar.dk
Caline G-001 Tiger Eye Distortion guitar-effekt-pedal
Mosky TW-Distortion guitar-effekt-pedal
Movall MP-107 Cryonic Distortion guitar-effekt-pedal
Black Clouds Distortion Pedal
at djservice.se
SubZero Forge Metal Distortion Pedal
at Gear4music GB
SubZero Critical Mass Distortion Pedal
Pro Co Turbo RAT Distortion Pedal
Dr Scientist The Elements Buffer, Boost and Distortion Pedal
Boss DS-1 Distortion Pedal T-Shirt - Small
Blackstar DEPT 10 Dual Distortion Pedal
Marshall The Guv'nor Reissue Distortion Pedal
Maestro Invader Distortion Effects Pedal
Darkglass Microtubes B1K Distortion Pedal
Korg Nu:Tekt HD-S Harmonic Distortion Pedal
Boss OS-2 OverDrive/Distortion
839 kr.
Black Sheep Pedals Plexion Distortion
395 kr.
Jim Dunlop MXR Distortion+
999 kr.
Ampeg SGT-DI
3.048 kr.
Boss CS-3 Compression Sustainer
785 kr.
Boss MT-2 Metal Zone
895 kr.